Legal notice

1- Purpose

PLANTAPOL, S.L. is responsible for the website and, as such, makes this notice (hereafter, “Legal Notice”) available to its users in order to comply with the obligations established in Act 34/2002 on the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), and also to inform website users of the terms and conditions of its use.

PLANTAPOL, S.L., as the company responsible for this website, states that its registered address is at Polígono Industrial Malpica Alfindén, calle G, 18 – 50171 La Puebla de Alfindén (Zaragoza); its Tax Identification Number (CIF) is B50613611 and it is registered in Zaragoza Companies Register, Volume 1698, Sheet 184, Page Z-14.918, 1st entry.

Use of the website confers the status of website user (hereafter “User”) and implies full, unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice in the version published by PLANTAPOL, S.L. at the time that the User accesses the website. PLANTAPOL, S.L. reserves the right to modify, at any time, the presentation and configuration of the contents and services of the website as well as the conditions required for its use, unilaterally and without prior notice, when this is considered advisable to improve its performance.

The contents of this website are protected by intellectual property laws. Said contents must be used properly and lawfully by the user and, in particular, the user pledges to use said contents in a diligent, correct and lawful manner. The contents shall not be used in a way that goes against the law, ethics, generally accepted good conduct and public order.

Reproduction, copying, distribution, transformation or modification of the contents (texts, images, audio or structure) is prohibited unless it is with the express written authorisation of the holder of the acquired rights.

2- Veracity of information

All of the information that the user provides via the website must be true. To this regard the user guarantees the authenticity of all of the data that he/she indicates when filling in information request forms. Likewise, all information supplied to PLANTAPOL, S.L. must be kept up to date. In any case the user shall be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements he/she makes and for any damages caused to PLANTAPOL, S.L. or to third parties as a result of the information he/she provides.

3- Data protection policy

PLANTAPOL, S.L. has established a privacy policy with regards to the personal data that it gathers, processes or stores, which is clearly defined in the privacy policy.

PLANTAPOL, S.L. considers guaranteeing the privacy and confidentiality of Users’ personal data, gathered through any system that enables data transmission, to be a primary objective and it expresses its commitment to complying with the regulations established in Spanish Organic Law 15/1999, 13 December, on Personal Data Protection (Spanish State Gazette B.O.E. 14/12/1999).

The User may, of his/her own accord, supply personal information via the data collection form in the CONTACT section of the website. In accordance with the provisions set forth in Spanish Organic Law 15/1999, 13 December, on Personal Data Protection, we inform you that providing data of a personal nature implies the acceptance and consent to the processing of the said data in the terms and conditions indicated in this privacy policy.

3.1- File Ownership

PLANTAPOL, S.L., a company incorporated in Spain, with registered address at Polígono Industrial Los Royales altos, C/ G 14, Post Code 50171, La Puebla de Alfindén (Zaragoza) and with Tax Identification Number (CIF) B50613611, is the owner of the files containing Personal Data and is responsible for their processing.

3.2- Data security

PLANTAPOL, S.L. ensures all necessary technical and organizational means to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data contained in the files, to prevent their alteration, loss, non-authorized processing or access, taking into account the state of the art, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether in relation to human action or to that of the physical or natural environment.

3.3- Purpose of the data

The purpose of collecting and automatically processing Personal Data is to send the commercial information you requested. In no case shall these data be used for any purpose other than that for which they have been collected.

3.4- Right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of data

The users may, at any time, exercise their right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of data by sending their request to Polígono Industrial Malpica Alfindén, calle G, 18 – 50171 La Puebla de Alfindén (Zaragoza) (Spain) or to the email address, attaching a photocopy of their National Identification Card (D.N.I.) or an equally valid legal document that provides proof of their identity.

4- Duration

PLANTAPOL, S.L. may interrupt its website service and is authorised to terminate or suspend the provision of the Services at any time. Whenever reasonably possible, PLANTAPOL shall give prior notification of the termination or suspension of the provision of its website services.

5- Governing law and jurisdiction

The governing law to resolve all disputes or matters related to this website or to the activities developed in it, shall be Spanish law, to which both parties expressly agree to submit themselves; the resolution of all conflicts deriving from or related to its use shall be the competence of the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Zaragoza.