It is a tree that belongs to the Hippocastaneae family. It may grow up to 20-30m. tall. It shows a soft bark when it is young, and scaly- ike bark as the tree ages. Leaves are deciduous, divided into 5-7 irregularly toothed leaflets from 8 to 20cm. long. At the beginning of summer it produces flowers with irregular corollas, made of up 5 ovate petals of various colours – white, yellow or reddish pink – rranged in a spike up to 30cm. long. The calyx is bell-shaped with 7 stamens which support reddish-brown anthers. The fruit is a large prickly green capsule, with 3 values containing globose seeds inside a shiny brown tegument with whitish spots, which has 2 large cotyledons. Horse chestnut is native to the Caucasus and the Balkan Peninsula, specifically in the North of Greece, where it still grows wild nowadays. This species has a cosmopolitan distribution, having completely adapted to temperate climates. Horse chestnut is recommended to prevent and treat chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins, tired legs, edemas of different origins, sequels of phlebitis and haemorrhoids and as a coadjuvant treatment of cellulite and arthritis with edema. It has also been found to be useful to treat ecchymosis, hemorrhagic diathesis, metrorrhagia and capillary fragility.